Sunday, August 26, 2012

Linking for Thinking - 8/26/12

Every Sunday, I'll be whittling my reading list down to a few links that I found particularly interesting from the past week. Some may be profound/deep thinking articles or news stories, others may be things that fascinate me or made me laugh. Some will be on issues I already agree with, others will be those that have challenged me to think in new ways. If there's anything you think I'd be interested in, or something you think might be worth sharing in this space, feel free to leave it in the comments section, email me at, or hit me up on facebook.

Pew Research on Economic Segregation
Two cities in Texas -- Houston and Dallas -- rank the highest when it comes to economic segregation as measured by the so-called RISI Score (Residential Income Segregation Index). 

A Restless Patriotism (by Dr. Richard Beck at Experimental Theology)
I was thinking the other day about just war theory. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that there is such a thing as a just war. That there are times when going to war is the lesser of two evils. Evil, yes, always evil, but the lesser evil given the choices before the nation. If this is granted then is must also be granted that the nation could engage in an unjust war. That is, there are just wars and unjust wars and Christians should support the former, albeit reluctantly, and object and refuse to participate in the latter.

Jesus without Shane Claiborne (by Rachel Held Evans)
In short, I make the perfect the enemy of the good. I become paralyzed by my own idealism. 

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